Access Consciousness®

What future can you create with the choice you make today?

A different point of view about life. It allows you to change anything you cannot change and create everything you desire in a different and easier way.

The purpose of Access Consciousness® is to create a world where no judgment of self-neither of anyone else would exist. Its aim is to bring you to recognize your creative power, to the extent where you can change everything that is not functioning in your life.

Access is totally different from any other technique. Its simple tools empower you to choose for yourself, to recognize your knowing and follow it with ease, to step out of automatisms, limitations, doubts, fear and become the life that you have always known should be possible.

The Access Consciousness® mantra is: All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.

What if all of life comes to us and what if we finally allowed ourselves to receive it with ease?

What if the meaning of life is to have fun?

Access Bars®


single session


five session package

What is Access Bars?

Access Bars are 32 points on your head that are designed to delete files (like deleting old files off your computer), so you can create a change in any way you would like to. Having your “bars run” may release any unwanted thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes you have stored over a lifetime, past, present and future. Bars can be used to facilitate change in all areas of your life.

What can it treat?

Access Bars can be effective in treating stress and anxiety. As well as helping to break any limiting patterns or habits. It’s also a great therapy for children with behavioral issues or insecurity.

How will it feel?

An Access Bars treatment is similar to a Reiki or Energy Healing, however all the energy centres are cleared through points on the head. Your practitioner will place her hands lightly on the different points, to clear blocks and ‘delete files’. After an Access Bars session you may feel a sense of calmness and will feel very clear headed, calm and energized.

What benefits may I receive?

Access Bars can clear old patterns. Particular things that used to bother you may no longer upset you, or you may have less of a reaction to them. Leaving you clear and ready to live a more conscious life, in the here and now. Other benefits may include feeling more peace, ease, joy and glory in your life.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend coming fortnightly for 2-3 sessions then monthly.

Access Energetic Facelift™


single session


five session package

Reversing the appearance of Aging

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your face was smoother, firmer and clearer?

Would you like to slow down the aging process?

These things are possible with the Access Energetic Facelift™ which is a non-invasive, economical, totally blissful, light-energetic-touch, hands-on technique that feels amazing and incredibly relaxing.

The Access Face Lift works on an energetic level to nurture your whole body, allowing your body to look and feel its best. It leaves you looking better and younger, and you’ll be refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated. Your whole body benefits!

Like everything with Access Consciousness, the energetic facelift is far more than what it suggests. It smoothes, tightens and rejuvenates your face and your body. It's totally natural so there is No surgery, no injections, no drugs!

How does it get any better than this?

What have clients noticed?

  • The light & luminosity of the face
  • Elasticity of the skin
  • Clarity of the eyes
  • Glow in the hair
  • Lifting of breasts and buttocks
  • Improved energy
  • Increased relaxation

Access Facelift delivers noticeable results even after one session. Regular sessions enhance benefits, improving both facial appearance and overall well-being.

Access Body Work


single session


five session package

What is a Body Process?

Access Body Processes are an energetic, hands-on method that creates miraculous change, possibilities, and space in our bodies. They unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically.

At the same time, these processes assist in renewing and reactivating your own suppressed capacities for healing and changing.

Part of the invitation of the Access Consciousness Body Processes is letting go of any expectations, projections and results and open to receiving something different. If you have a judgment that something in your body will never change, can it ever change? The Access body processes are an invitation to a whole new reality for you, your body, the earth and other bodies.

Each session invites in different possibilities. When you begin to include your body in the creation of your life, things change.

What does your body know? What talents, gifts, and capacities does your body have that you've never acknowledged?

What if everything you thought was not changeable in your body is actually changeable? What if you can actually change any molecule that is a part of your body?

I invite you to explore.

When you begin to listen to your body, something entirely different can show up.

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